Who does our service support?

We are able to support 14 women at a time for up to 3 months (90 days), these are women who have experienced homelessness within the national definition. Single women need to be over 18 and without dependent children living with them, and without pets. We provide shelter and support to women who are transitioning from prison, rehabilitation, and mental health wards. Women who are ‘sleeping rough’, in cars, fleeing abuse. All the women have one common denominator – they just need that ‘stepping stone’ to safer and more secure housing.

How do I access WHWT services?

We work with a wide variety of agencies and take referrals from within the social and health sector. You can apply independently by filling out our referral form or be referred by a third-party agency. Our house manager assesses all referrals and if appropriate she will meet with those women to discuss a possible tenancy. You can contact the house manager to discuss any potential referral.

What services do WHWT provide?

We provide up to 3 months of transitional accommodation and access to support services based on individual needs. To do this we work closely with a number of other social and health sector agencies. We work alongside the women to find solutions that can be sustained in the community.

How can I volunteer?

While we greatly appreciate the offer of your time, we don’t use volunteers for our service given the complex nature of the service we provide. If you would like to volunteer then we would welcome any support with funding events. Please get in touch with us via our contact page and we will let you know how best you can help us.

Do you offer emergency accommodation?

No we don’t. Our service offers transition accommodation to women experiencing homelessness for up to three months. If you require Emergency Accommodation, please get in touch with one of the organisations listed on our help page.

What should I do if I am concerned about a particular woman living homeless in Wellington?

If this is within ‘usual’ working hours you can advise the woman to visit DCM or The Soup Kitchen for further assistance. If the person is not comfortable doing this you can contact them yourself as they may be able to provide Outreach. The woman can also visit the Work and Income Office to apply for Emergency Housing Grant. If it is the weekend you can also contact the Local Hosts through the Wellington City Council website.

I have some items that I would like to donate to the Trust. Where can I frop them off to?

Please get in touch with our House Manager in the first instance. They will be able to advise if the items you have are needed by the house. We have limited storage which means sometimes we are unable to stockpile donations.