Transitional Housing
A sanctuary our wāhine can call home

We provide wāhine ​​transitional accommodation with the aim of finding suitable and affordable housing for tenants so they can become independent.

Our intent is early intervention, to reduce and avoid the increase of homelessness by providing comprehensive support, every step of the way.

Te Whare Nukunoa is our inner-city sanctuary run by the Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust.  It is a place for wāhine to call home while they get back on their feet.

Women who are referred to our sanctuary often struggle with historical trauma and complex issues, and have nowhere to call home. They come to us needing hands-on support and a safe environment to rebuild their lives. 

Through our specialised programme, we work with community professionals and open up key networks to assist with their transition into independent housing, enhance their well-being and empower them with the tools to operate independently within their community. 

During their stay, we advocate and support wāhine through the system by activating key partnerships to gain access to a variety of social services.

Apply for
Transitional Housing

We provide individualised support & accommodation for up to 14 wāhine at a time for a 3 month period

We provide social care and support to wāhine in need of a safe place to call home while they get back on their feet.

  • Te Whare Nukunoa provides tenants with up to three months of transitional accommodation in a communal living environment while you get back on your feet and find your own home.

  • Our accommodation is staffed every day of the week. Staff are available night & day for security purposes and in case of an emergency

  • Once you are settled, our social workers work with you to develop a plan that services your needs and path forward.

  • We have an on-site nurse who visits our accommodation weekly, providing free health care and advice to all tenants when needed.

  • As part of our programme, we encourage all tenants to participate in our free online counselling sessions with our on-call specialist counsellor.

  • Staff are available to be your support person. They are also here to support you in court if you need or assist with any other legal appointments. We are here to help you.

  • Our programme is flexible and designed to support your individual needs. Based on these needs, we will activate appropriate care services and external agencies to make sure you have the best support possible.

Ngā Ratonga

For all applicants
—Do you meet our criteria?

  • For a successful application, all applicants are required to meet our basic criteria so we can determine the best outcome — for you and others staying at Te Whare Nukunoa.

    Before you apply, please make sure you meet the following criteria and are truthful in your application form.

    • You identify as female

    • You are over the age of 20 years

    • You have the ability to live on your own without supervision or support

    • You are proactive, and have a genuine desire to improve your situation

    • If you’re pregnant, you are in the early stages of pregnancy

  • Due to our facility restrictions and staffing requirements, we do not have the ability to accept applications if you have the following:

    • Dependant children

    • Dependant pets

    • Previous convictions of arson

    • Ongoing alcohol and drug use

    • High-risk mental health issues

    • No access to income or government benefits

  • Individual Application:

    1. All applications will go to our team for review.

    2. We will be in contact if we require more information from you.

    3. If your application meets our criteria, we will organise an in-person meeting with you to discuss your situation and how we can help.

    4. Successful applicants will be allocated a private room and an agreed move-in date.

    5. Before the move-in date, we require a bond and 1 week’s rent to be paid.

    Agency Referral Application:

    1. All applications will go to our team for review.

    2. If we need additional information that supports an application, we will contact your case manager.

    3. All referral forms NEED to include a comprehensive assessment, risk management and safety plans.

    4. Successful applicants will be allocated a private room and an agreed move-in date.

    5. Before the move-in date, we require a bond and 1 week’s rent to be paid.

  • If you have any questions or need guidance through our application process, please contact our office for further assistance.

    Office Phone:
    (04) 384 7870

Referral Process

For the women who stay with us, we maintain a safe and peaceful environment for women who are committed to making a positive change in their lives. Their needs are our priority and need protecting.

We are unable to take on women who fail to meet our criteria, as it could put our staff and other tenants at risk of harmful behaviour.